Servers are central resources which everyone communicates with to share Media or Communications. The are powerful computers capable of constant complex workloads and huge amounts of storage.
Servers can be on-site, remote as in ‘The Cloud’ or as hosted Applications at another location (Email, O365, Adobe, Content Management Systems).
Today these Servers are everywhere, ideally separated and independent, for Data, Email, Content Management CMS, Chat, Print and SaaS (Software as a Service… think WordPress or Mobile Apps). They can also be a mixture of both, Client and Server, like FileMaker.
We build and configure company Servers onsite, remote or in The Cloud sfor: File Sharing, Email, Web Hosting, Chat, Shared Calendars, Updates, Backups, Security and Disaster Recovery and VPN.

Servers for Mac and Windows
Servers for Sharing
There are many uses for a Server and perhaps the most obvious one is to Share files with colleagues in your office. But over the years your business process has grown and we now interact more and share information with clients, part-time staff, consultants and suppliers, all of whom we wish to share various types of files.
Office, Home, International
Our offices are everywhere today and everyone needs to be connected and up-to-date.
Cloud Servers
But today we are not all in the same office, we still need access to those files, we need to print, email, watch shared video’s, download software, sync calendars and also have it all secure.
It’s Fantastic what we can do. We do more, share more, work more and we have taken on a lot more responsibility and technicalities in the process. It’s all becoming quite complicated and we need an IT Secretary to record and manage this complexity as you don’t have the time or knowledge to keep up.
JRP Mac Systems
What ever you need we can help your chose and invest in the right solution and also plan for it’s ongoing maintenance, updating/securing with backup and adjust it’s function as we grow.